Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Final Fantasy VII Cosplay Poll

Probably, when you conduct a poll about the final fantasy characters, it is a bet that the first role firstly comes to most people’s mind is Cloud strife. The reason is that the video game final fantays vii  is a classic in the eyes of the most players. And then is that Cloud is really an impressive boy in the game. All his merits that I have discussed in my former posts, so it is unnecessary to repeat it, but if you have any other opinions welcome to share your with us.
And even though Cloud is a perfect individual, as regards the cosplay, not all the cosplayers could do a perfect Cloud cosplay and not so many are willing to do this imitating. Just because he is an outstanding boy that it is hard for us to do such kind of cosplay. On the other hand, there are generally different purposes of cosplay, so if you are just for the purpose of having fun in the show, then it is a quite easy cosplay for you. However, some of you in pursuit of perfection and somewhat of art, in this case, we can say that it is really difficult.
And finally I want to conduct a roll: Boys and girls, who would be the first choice for your cosplay in Final Fantasy VII?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Do You Think of This Final Fantasy Rikku Cosplay?

I put this picture of Final Fantasy Rikku cosplay on face book, and then many of the guys are enamored with it. Indeed, it is a perfect job, and I was also shocked by it at the first glance. This Rikku cosplayer really does an excellent job, she is amazing.
I have to say she has a smart mind and must be the skillful and experienced cosplayer. In the first place, she chooses the proper character for herself, and they have the similar figure and appearance. If she is such a girl who has back skin and much fat, and the results would be totally different. Moreover, she wears the suitable Rikku cosplay costume for her body shape, as there are more apparels than one of Rikku. Her appeal is fully displayed by this piece, the faces, and the body curve and the skin with no exception of the cosplay clothing, all the things about her are eye-catching. In the last place, she does a good and appropriate makeup which lends the charm of the whole cosplay.
In this way, from this cosplay girl we learn a lot, right? And then we know something that we should keep in mind when we plan to start the cosplay.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Final Fantasy VIII Seifer Almasy Cosplay

It is obvious that Seifer Almasy cosplay is the best choice for boys, of course with no exception of girls. As for Seifer, he is one of the characters from the video game Final Fantasy VIII. And we cannot deny that some of the people are keen on him while some of the people are mot so into such kind of individual like him, because there is no accounting for tastes. Anyhow, there is no denying that every person has his or her own merits and shortcomings. Seifer shows a nature of bellicosity in face of enemy, which manifest his hotheaded and emulative personality. Meanwhile, he possesses an outstanding fighting capacity, and there is no doubt about it.

In spite of that Seifer appears kinda unpleasant characteristics in the game, a plenty of zealous followers are there to be infatuated with him all the way. And so we could behold that a good many of the cosplayers dress up with the classic cosplay costume in the activity. Different styles are displayed by different imitators. The only same thing we could find is that all the impersonators enjoy themselves.
More often than not, the muscle and the special overcoat are the most impressive appeal about him that attracts these cosplayers to try this type. The figure of Seifer Almasy is different and distinctive in the whole game, which has its own glamour that allures a good many fans to carry on the activity. Cosplaying Final Fantasy VIII Seifer Almasy could bring you something fantastic only if you start it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Girls’ Final Fantasy Vincent Valentine Cosplay

Vincent Valentine is one of the characters from Final Fantasy VII, although he is a true man who is a tall, lean young man with long black hair and a ragged red cloak and mantle over black clothes, a large number of the female cosplayers are enamored with him and imitate him with inexhaustibility. As a matter of fact, both boys and girls fall in deep love with this individual. It seems that there is something attractive and magic about Vincent which makes female and male can not help loving him.
However, the figure of final fantasy vii Vincent Valentine is just right appropriate for the girls to do the cosplay. His metallic, golden gauntlet, the cloak covers the lower half of his face and is held closed by a series of buckles and the natural red eyes; all of these features are classic and cool in the eyes of the girls and could fully reveal their dashing appeal as a female.
Cosplaying Vincent would bring the girls a kind of particular feel that they could not get from the female roles. As a girl, it is necessary to do a quite different genre to taste a different excitement sometimes, which will motivate the inspiration of cosplay that a better and better show will come into being.
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