Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Eye-catching Final Fantasy XII Fran Cosplay

This is one of the most eye-catching final fantasy xii cosplay girls I have ever seen. Although there are countless cosplayers obsessed with this sexy and cool ff character and dressing up as her at all kinds of activities, this one would easily capture people’s heart.
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The cool and sexy black armor, the white hair and the large ears would beomes the focus all the way. We know that final fantasy xii Fran has dark skin; however, it does not matter at all if we have similar skin tone to her or not, because the eye-catching costume is recognizable enough for us to be noticeable and to enjoy amazing fun.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Beautiful Final Fantasy XIII Oerba Dia Vanille Cosplay Girl

This is again a beautiful and outstanding final fantasy xiii Oerba Dia Vanille cosplay I want to share with you guys today. We know that ff Vanille is one of the most popular ideas among many other female characters of Final Fantasy seires for girls to be cute and beautiful. And we could be easily attracted by her great job, includes the wig, the pretty costume, cute face and curvy body shape.
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As one of the charming characters of FinalFantasy XIII, Oerba Dia Vanille is an upbeat and mysterious young girl who has red-brown hair she styles it into pigtails. The tropical pink halter top with a multi-colored skirt decorated with colorful ornaments of her clothes could make girls really eye-catching and identifiable.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Different Final Fantasy VIII Quistis Trepe Cosplay Girls

Final Fantasy VIII Quistis Trepe cosplay is always a good idea for beautiful girls who wear glasses and has blonde hair. And truly, there are so many cosplayers are into this final fantasy cosplay, the simple costume and the typical features of Quistis Trepe make impersonators noticeable and identifiable.
As for this beautiful ff girl, she is one of the playable characters from FF VIII, wears ash blonde hair she ties it up at the back, has two long fringes of hair framing either side of her face, and she has blue eyes and wears a pair of glasses.

There are some pretty and decent final fantasy Quistis Trepe cosplay girls for you today. Which one is your favorite?
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