Thursday, July 31, 2014

Imposing Final Fantasy IV Cecil Harvey Dark Knight Cosplay

Armor cosplay is one of the most attractive and challenging genres that could help cosplayers stand out and win people heart easily, so final fantasy iv Cecil Harvey Dark Knught cosplay is one of the popular choices for us to be imposing. As the hero of ffiv, Cecil is a tall man wears dark armor as a Dark Knight.
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This final fantasy Cecil cosplay is one of the best I have ever seen so far. What is more, do you know she is a female cosplayer? It makes her more impressive.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Beautiful Final Fantasy X Lulu Cosplay Girls

       Final Fantasy x Lulu cosplay would make girls a very beautiful, elegant and sexy lady all the way as long as we put on the complicated costume and the other corresponding accessories, do you agree? And any of us would become an eye-cayching and recognizable cosplayer due of the worldwide popularity of this popular final fantasy character.
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Here are some great shots of ff Lulu cosplay girls for you today. And if you are looking for complicated costume and want to try challenging cosplay, and just give this attractive lady a try.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Final Fantasy IX Zidane Cosplay for Blonde-Haired Cosplayers

       Who are the popular characters of final fantasy for cosplay in your heart? Cloud Strife would be the top three comes to our mind, right? But, there is one cute and handsome guy named Zidane Tribal who is also a very well-known character to males and female cosplayers.
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      Final fantasy ix Zidane is handsome and loves to fawn over girls, in addition, he is magnanimous and helpful to his friends. He has blonde hair with a thin tail at back. Cosplay final fantasy Zidane is a good choice for people who have blonde hair or wig and thin figure.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pretty Final Fnatasy IX Princess Garnet Cosplay Girls

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Final fantasy ix Garnet Til Alexandros cosplay is a good idea for girls who are looking for simple but elegant costume for anime conventions. All we need are the long black hair, the white and yellow costume, which is relatively an easy cosplay idea for cosplayers to be popular.

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As the Princess of Alexandria in Final Fantasy IX, Garnet is a beautiful and elegant lady. Here are some pretty final fantasy Garnet cosplay girls for you today.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Final Fantasy X-2 Paine Cosplay

      Final fantasy x-2 Paine is one of my favorite female characters of this series, obviously, there are tons of other people obsessed with this cool and sexy lady. Here are some great shots of cosplaying final fantasy Paine.
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