Sunday, November 27, 2011

Final Fantasy X Tidus Cosplay

Tidus is the male leading character of Final Fantasy X and a young guy who is full of energy with carefree and cheerful personality. The same as other final fantasy characters, Tidus also has gained his followers including both boys and girls. We could find there are different cosplayers who dress up as final fantasy Tidus in all kinds of cosplays.
And there is a great ff x Yidus cosplay that I want to share it with you. Take a look at the picture, the cosplay boy in the pic shows a really similar Tidus. He does an amazing job. I love his cosplay. It seems that I could find endless sunshine from him. Everything about him seems great and charming, such as the wig looks like his real hair, his smile is sweet and the cosplay outfit is also great.
As one of the final fantasy cosplay choices, Tidus cosplay is not only suitable for boys but also for tomboys. So, if you are a zealous fan of cosplay, this is a good choice.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Final Fantasy X-2 Lenne Song Cosplay

What an attractive it is! Without doubt, this is one of the best final fantasy x-2 Lenne cosplays. Whether you are a girl or a boy, you would be charmed by her, right? The cosplay girl in the picture looks beautiful and she has cute faces, especially I love the Lenne Song cosplay costume she wears.
As one of the hottest cosplay choices, Lenne is really an ideal character for us. One of the main reasons is that Lenne is such a cute girl and she looks somewhat the same as Yuna. Girls who want to release the female magic power, for example the beautiful curve in the public, especially there are so many other fantastic cosplayers including male and female.
This cosplay girl is successfully in making herself a perfect picture of admiration in the show. And she would attractive others easily. I love this final fantasy cosplay.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Final Fantasy Funny Pictures

           Yeah! It is time to entertain our brain and to enjoy some of the funny final fantasy pictures now. These especially adapted images could bring us much enjoyment. Let's enjoy them together!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Final Fantasy VI Terra Branford Cosplay

As one of the most popular final fantasy series, Final Fantasy VI plays an irreplaceable place in the eyes of the game players and cosplayers. And cosplay final fantasy Terra Branford of course becomes hot among the other ff characters.
Terra Branford is the one of the main characters of ff VI, and she is the first introduced role controled by the Empire with gifted magical power. She is beautiful and sexy with long curly hair. Hence she naturally becomes one of the best cosplay choices to the cosplay girls.
Here is a sexy Terra Branford cosplay as it shows in the picture. The cosplay costume looks pretty, the red skirt, purple ribbon up in her hair, pale pink cape around her neck, red sleeves on her arms and white stockings on her legs. In a word, she is sexy and charming. The details on her dress are especial splendid that perfect her cosplay. I love this final fantasy cosplay.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pretty Final Fantasy X Yuna Cosplay

There is no denying that a lot of cosplay girls are obssessed with final fantasy Yuna cosplay, one of the main reasons is that there are many differernt suits with different styles that they could make a good choice and display attractive apperance in the activity. And of course we could enjoy numerous exceelent copslayers who are really great, and they not only have the similar body shape as Yuna, but also get the suitable cosplay costume for their figure along with the paerfect related accessories.
And I found this final fantasy cosplay from the internet, the cosplay girl in the picture obviously is one of the best cosplayers. It is uploaded by Shirokumapancosplay, she made the cosplay outfit and the weapon in her hands, and yeah she is not only a good impersonator but also a skilled sewer. It can be said that most of us could not do the same perfect job as her. So it proves that she chose the right character for her cosplay show. Everyyhing seems great. Although we could not see the rest of the attire, we could imagine that beautiful dress is there hidden.
     Do you also want to try an unforggetable final fantasy cosplay? Maybe this one will help to fulfiil that.