Speaking of final fantasy cosplay for girls, there are really a lot of appealing female characters of
FF series, cool, sexy, cute and beautiful ones. And Oerba Dia Vanille cosplay is one
of the hottest choices among the tons of girls from Final Fantasygames. It is
because that Vanille is one of the female charaters of FF XIII and the narrator
as well.
In the matter of Final fantasy Vanlille, she is a mysterious but
upbeat young girl who wears her red-brown hair in pigtails. From her faces and
the dressing we could fell that she is sweet and happy girl and she could
influence others easily. In terms of her accotrement, the typical one is in the
form of tropical pink halter top with a multi-colored skirt decorated with
colorful ornaments, which is somewhat sexy, cute and special.
This cosplay girl in the pictures
shows us a really cute and vivid Vanile cosplay; the wig and the cosplay
costume are beautiful. This ff cosplay is an ideal choice for the pretty and
beautiful impersonators.