Monday, October 27, 2014

Beautiful Final Fantasy Type-0 Deuce Cosplay

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As one of the members of Class Zero in Final Fnatasy-0, Deuce is a beautiful girl with brown hair and blue eyes, and plays flute. Cosplay final fantasy Deuce is a good idea for girls who are looking for simple and decent costume that is composed of black jacket, red skirt, red cape and knee-high socks.
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The long brown hair and the typical outfit would make cosplay girls beautiful and recognizable easily.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lovely Final Fantasy XIII Serah Cosplay Girls

credit to cosplayer AMBEAR
In my opinion, comparing with Final Fantasy XIII-2 Serah Farron, she has cuter apperance in FFXIII. And I am sure thare are lots of people would agree with me, right? Surely, the character of Serah is lovely and sweet in the whole series. Cosplay final fantasy Serah is quite a good idea for cute cosplayers.

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It looks like that any of us would become lovely as long as we put on the light link wig and the simple but cute costume. These cosplay girls in the pictures display us adorable Serah Farron.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cool and Sexy Final Fantasy X-2 Paine Cosplay Girls

cosplayer Kurenomirei
Final fantasy x-2 Paine cosplay is a good and popular idea for girls who are looking for cool and sexy game girls. Like most warriors, Paine is cool in the aspect of appearance and weapon; she has short spiky gray hair, the cool and sexy black costume, along with the large sword. 
cosplayer Shun

As for final fantasy Paine, she is mysterious, and no one known much about her, and she is very tough, serios, quiet and keeps to herself most of the time. Cosplay final fantasy Paine could make cosplayers very cool and sexy. We could find that from those cosplayers in the shots.
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