Friday, December 21, 2012

Marvelous Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Tifa Cosplay

Probably, most of you game players and cosplayers have seen this excellent Chinese cosplayers Mei Wai cosplaying final fantasy vii advent children Tifa many times. Now, I cannot help posting these wondrous Tifa cosplays here for all the fans of Tifa and cosplay, classic things would never be unpopular. And if you did not know her before, you will be attracted by from now on!
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It is a safe bet she is one of the best girls who could interpret FF Tifa Lockhart to the fullest. It looks like that she always could present the imitated character vividly, especially this Tifa cosplay; personally I fall in love with this cosplay girl.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final Fantasy XII Penelo Cosplay

As one of the cute female characterof Final Fantasy XII, Penelo is a young girl with oval face, hazel eyes and blonde hair tied in stylish ponytails at sides with short fringe and two bangs. FF Penelo cosplay is not that popular or not that excessively cosplayed by girls. Hence, if you are just looking for this type, don’t miss it.
However, final fantasy xii Penelo cosplay is also interesting and special in the eyes of a lot of impersontors, especially to the adherents of Penelo. Penelo is a charming girl and the good friend of Vaan who is the center character of Final Fantasy XII. Although, she is an orphan, she lives her life with optimism and jolliness while influencing Vaan greatly. What id more, Penelo is dreaming of being a dancer and also good at dancing.

This final fantasy cosplay would be an attractive choice if you are fond of the cool and a kind of sexy cosplay. And blonde-haired girl should give it a shot.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Final Fantasy Vincent Valentine Cosplay Girls

I’m attracted by Vincent Valentine deeply because of the special charm of him that I cannot express clearly with words, especially when I take a look at his charming eyes. He is handsome, cool and manful in my hearts. Hence, I love all the things about him, with no exception of final fantasy Vincent cosplay.
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Vincent Valentine is one of the characters from Final Fantasy VII; he is tall and young with long black hair and a ragged red cloak and mantle over black clothes. Obviously, Vincent is a good choice for both male and female impersonators. And due to the special outside appearance, the metallic, golden gauntlet, the cloak covers the lower half of his face; any of us could display the imposing feeling.
And indeed, both boys and girls fall in deep love with this final fantasy cosplay. I am a girl, but I am still intrigued by the girls’ final fantasy Vincent Valentine cosplay, they look so cool and sexy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Great Final Fantasy X-2 Shuyin Cosplay

What do you think of final fantasy Shuyin cosplay? Have you ever done this imitation? Anyhow, it can be said that this final fantasy cosplay is not overly done by impersonators, do you agree? On my part, Shuyin is a glamorous guy, and we could display an outstanding job at the conventions as long as we are the interested in him and express our passion with heart and soul.
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 Shuyin is the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy X-2 and has a striking resemblance to Tidus. He has shoulder-length, disheveled blond hair and blue eyes. Everyone has his likes and dislikes, we could find that there are still many cosplayers keen on Shuyin cosplay, which actually is a great cosplay choice and is suitable for both boys and girls. 

The cosplayers in the pics do present striking ffx-2 Shuyin cosplay by cool costume and wig. They successfully bring fictional Shuyin into our real life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Final Fantasy VIII Rinoa Cosplay – The Rebellious Girl

More often than not, most of us are looking forward to finding the look-alike character including the similar personality for cosplaying, which would be really wonderful and intereting. Or just want to try such kind of character. And indeed, there are various choices for us from millions of series and we could find ideal object.
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Here is final fantasy viii Rinoa cosplay, have you ever tried this? In terms of this girl, her full name is Rinoa Heartilly, the female protagonist of FF VIII, and rebellious, outspoken and passionate girl with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes. Riona is a strong-willed girl and manages to deal with all the difficulties in her life, and she is a loyal and trusted friend who will to take any risk to help her friends. She has a beautiful love story.
If you are passionate, strong and sentimental girl, and also want to try the look-alike character, this final fantasy cosplay would be a good choice.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Final Fantasy VI Celes Chere Cosplay

Have you ever tried final fantasy vi Celes Chere cosplay? If yes, what do you you think of it? If no, and then should give it a shot. The beautiful and cool young girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin, is really a good choice for us to present imposing and elegant final fantasy cosplay. 

 Celes Chare is the Magitek Knight and we could get that from her accoutrements. And there are severl different cosplay costumes for this ff character, like the yellow and purple armor with high boots, long white cloak over a green leotard with white boots and the white and beige gown. Each of them features distinctively.
On my part, this final fantasy vi girl is suitable for slim or sexy cosplayer, and any of us would display eye-catching Celes Chere by meaning dressing the outfit. Take a look at the cosplay girls in the pictures, and then you will get the truth.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Final Fantasy VIII Irvine Kinneas Cosplay

As one of the popular characters of FF series and known as “The Best Shooter in Garden”, final fantasy viii Irvine Kinneas cosplay is really interesting and well-liked. Irvine has long auburn hair in a ponytail, plus a black cowboy hat. He is an expert gunman and is also somewhat sexy in my heart. His cowboy-like appearance has acttracted so many fans for him. Yeah, he is cool, imposing and sexy. 
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Due to Irvine’s handsome appearance, this final fantasy cosplay is great choice for both cosplay boys and girls and could help any cosplayer to display an impressive and similar Irvine cosplay as long as he or she puts on the cosplay outfit and the accessories.
Like this cosplay boy, he present an eye-catching ff8 Irvine by the beautiful and cool cosplay outfit, the long jacket, purple shirt, the fingerless gloves and the gun and so on. What an amazing cosplay!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Final Fantasy 13 Snow and Hope Cosplay

As one of the popular and intriguing series, final fantasy 13 is really a well-liked cosplay choice for cosplay girls and boys, because that there are so many charming and distinctive characters for us to make a good choice, such as Lightning, Serah, Oerba Yun Fang, Oerba Dia Vanille with no exception of Snow Villiers and Hope Estheim.

Snow is a handsome guy with light blonde hair under a black bandana and is the leader of NORA, a resistance group. The long overcoat makes him quite imposing. And as for Snow, he is cute boy but not that manful as Snow, he has stylish cosplay costume which would make girls cool and notable.
More often than not, we would see final fantasy xiii Snow and Serah cosplays as a pair, yeah; they are the cool and sweet couple. And, now, here are Snow and Hope, what do you think of this couple?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Beautiful Final Fantasy X-2 Rikku Cosplay

When talking about the game cosplay, final fantasy series would be a must for boys and girls. And speaking of sexy and popular cosplay, Rikku is also one of the most well-known and well-liked one. And ffx-2 Rikku cosplay is especially hot to cosplay girls.

It looks like that there is endless fun and attraction of this girl that we could not help portraying her all the way. It has nothing to do with the word “old-fashion” at all although she has appeared in our life for years.
Here again is the beautiful and sexy Rikku cosplay from final fantasy X-2 showing by this pretty girl. The wig, the sexy costume and the accessories are so impressive. What do you think of it?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Cloud Cosplay

There are always so many Cloud cosplayers with no exception of final fantasy vii advent children Cloud cosplay! And we would be always attracted by him or her as long as they dress up as Cloud Strife in all kinds of parties. Believe it or not, the images of him have marked on our heart since he appears in front of us, the final fantasy 7 crisis core and ffvii advent children.

Take a look at this cosplayer, he presents a cool and vivid Cloud by the great cosplay costume and the impressive sword. It seems that any of us would look quite striking as long as we put on the typical Cloud uniform together with the weapon. Yeah, Cloud is so arresting.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Final Fantasy XIII Oerba Dia Vanille Cosplay

Speaking of final fantasy cosplay for girls, there are really a lot of appealing female characters of FF series, cool, sexy, cute and beautiful ones. And Oerba Dia Vanille cosplay is one of the hottest choices among the tons of girls from Final Fantasygames. It is because that Vanille is one of the female charaters of FF XIII and the narrator as well. 

In the matter of Final fantasy Vanlille, she is a mysterious but upbeat young girl who wears her red-brown hair in pigtails. From her faces and the dressing we could fell that she is sweet and happy girl and she could influence others easily. In terms of her accotrement, the typical one is in the form of tropical pink halter top with a multi-colored skirt decorated with colorful ornaments, which is somewhat sexy, cute and special.
 This cosplay girl in the pictures shows us a really cute and vivid Vanile cosplay; the wig and the cosplay costume are beautiful. This ff cosplay is an ideal choice for the pretty and beautiful impersonators.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beautiful Final Fantasy X Shiva Cosplay

As the one of the Aeons in Final Fantasy series, Shiva is the Ice Queen as the aeon of the Macalania Temple in FFX. Of course, she is a beautiful and elegant character in the eyes of the game players and the cosplayers.  
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In this way, there are a lot of cosplay girls are interested in this final fantasy cosplay. On the other hand, it is not an easy type, especially the hairstyle of Shiva, which is really a hard work. It can be said that the hair part plays a significant part in the whole process. And most of us could figure it out as long as we see the head.
This two cosplay girls did excellent job. They show us eye-catching and stunning Shiva cosplay. They would be the focus of any parties including the upcoming Halloween.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Which One is the Best Final Fantasy Sephiroth Cosplay?

Yay! It is final fantasy Sephiroth cosplay time! Which one does the best ff cosplay? We know that Sephiroth is extremely popular and even overly cosplayed by guys and girls. However, we would be attracted by the impersonators all the time. Let’s enjoy all of their impressive jobs now.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Balthier Cosplay from Final Fantasy XII

Balthier is a playable character in Final Fantasy XII and a pirate along with Fran. From his outside looks, tall figure and short brown hair with blonde highlights, plus the special sideburns, we could feel that he is a charming man. And also Balthier is dashing and cynical man with smart mind.
As for Balthier cosplay, both boys and girls are obsessed with it. It seems that any of us would become quite outstanding as long as we dress up as him.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Endless Attraction of Harry Potter Cosplay

We could witness the endless attraction of Harry Potter cosplay all over the world year after year. There is no denying that Harry Potter would be the classical series in our heart forever. The characters and the plots of it have captured our heart firmly since its appearance. Whether for individual cosplay or group cosplay, this series would be a great choice.

 On the one hand, it is really interesting and meaningful to dress up as the magic boy or girl in the activity, and it is extremely famous and welcomed to be the one from Harry Potter, any of us would be recognized and be the focus of the show as long as we put on the well-known harry potter costume on the other hand.

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